
Report for Bitcoin Address 16fbeN6D5JkTU7Ywh8zdAPoQWD6TzN1ZSf

Report for Bitcoin Address 16fbeN6D5JkTU7Ywh8zdAPoQWD6TzN1ZSf

Address: 16fbeN6D5JkTU7Ywh8zdAPoQWD6TzN1ZSf
Format: P2PKH
Hits: 49
Date: May 20, 2021 - 16:10
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: Greetings! I have got two not really pleasant news for you. I have been monitoring your internet activities for some time by now. The only person to blame in this situation is you, since you are a big fan of adult websites and also have got an uncontrollable desire to indulge yourself with another orgasm. Simply speaking, all your porn websites search requests have become a key to access your device. One week ago, I have montaged a videoclip, which shows you masturbating on one side of the screen and on the other side a porn video that you were watching at that moment of time - recently this type of exotic stuff is really popular on the internet! Don't worry, I will need just a few mouse clicks in order to share this video with your entire contact list and upload it to some porn website, like Bigle. I believe that you would not like this to happen, since a long holiday season is just about to start soon - just imagine the number of silly jokes and loud laughter that would get provoked by your video all over the neighbourhood bars and pubs... I am offering a simple and reasonable solution: All you need to do is transfer an amount equivalent to $1950 (USA Dollars) to my bitcoin wallet and we both forget about this silly story forever. All your data and this video will be deleted by me once and for all. You have my honest word! You've got to agree, this amount is really insignificant. Just imagine how much time and resources I have spent to get this done... If you don't know how to operate the cryptocurrency - you can always search for assistance online via It is that simple. Here is my bitcoin wallet (BTC): 16fbeN6D5JkTU7Ywh8zdAPoQWD6TzN1ZSf You have exactly 2 days (48 hours) from the moment of opening this email. I still don't receive the required amount of money, then your videoclip will be automatically sent to all your contact list and uploaded to public websites.