
Report for Bitcoin Address bc1q5hv73h8g8lyttk5dkp0v7lfnk6q97wdny6384g

Report for Bitcoin Address bc1q5hv73h8g8lyttk5dkp0v7lfnk6q97wdny6384g

Address: bc1q5hv73h8g8lyttk5dkp0v7lfnk6q97wdny6384g
Format: Segwit
Hits: 21
Date: Sep 15, 2020 - 20:57
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: Good day. I have a website in the darkweb, I perform all kinds of services - basically it is destruction to property and injury. Basically, all but the shooting. Often main reasons are rejected love or competition at workplace. This week she contacted me and set me the mission of splashing acid in your face. Default practice - quickly, painfully, for life. Without too much fuss. I get receive only after finishing the order. Thus, now I propose you pay me to be inactive, I propose this to nearly all the victims. If I do not receive money from you, then my person will fulfill the mission. If you give me money, besides to my inactivity, I will provide you the info that I have about the client. After finishing the mission, I always lose the performer, so I have a selection, to get $1000 from you for info about the customer and my inaction, or to receive $2000 from the customer, but with a big probability of spending the performer. I'm getting paid in Bitcoin, here's my bitcoin address: bc1q5hv73h8g8lyttk5dkp0v7lfnk6q97wdny6384g If you do not understand how, look online how to buy bitcoin. The amount I indicated above. You have 48 hours to decide and pay.