
Report for Bitcoin Address bc1qwge644anlk6mfsf5d64j4trrdcg9p5p4zsxxrn

Report for Bitcoin Address bc1qwge644anlk6mfsf5d64j4trrdcg9p5p4zsxxrn

Address: bc1qwge644anlk6mfsf5d64j4trrdcg9p5p4zsxxrn
Format: Segwit
Hits: 37
Date: Oct 04, 2021 - 15:52
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: The last time you visited a porn ographic website with young teenagers, you downloaded and automatically installed spying software that I created. My program has turned on your c?mera and recorded the act of ur m?sturbat?on and the v?deo you were watching while m?sturbating. I also got your contact lists, phone numbers, emails, social media contacts. I have the xxx.mp4 video file with ur m?sturbatio? and a file with all your contacts on my hard drive. If you want me to delete both files and keep your secret, you must se?d me the Bitcoin p?y?ent. I give you l?st 72 hou?s to tr?nsfer the funds. I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use. Amount: 0.048 Bit-Coin Bit-Coin Address Part 1: bc1qwge644anlk6mfs Bit-Coin Address Part 2: f5d64j4trrdcg9p5p4zsxxrn Important: You must put the two parts together (Bit-Coin Address Part 1+Bit-Coin Address Part 2) with nospaces between them. You may also save that somewhere not to lose the details. Quick tip! You can buy Bit-Coin from Paxful. Use Google to find it. Next time you cover your cameras, somebody may watch it! Limit yourself to one time per month if you can`t go completely NoFap.